
xmas 2013 050

I work at Oxford Brookes University and The Open University

My research focuses on young people and alcohol. During my PhD studies (completed 2013) I developed an intervention to reduce alcohol misuse in young people based on the Prototype Willingness Model.  I’m now working on a project to pilot the intervention, and on other projects related to alcohol, adolescents and students.

My main teaching responsibilities are related to research methods and statistics for Psychology.  I teach quantitative and qualitative methods modules, as well as a seminar class on the social psychology of drinking alcohol.  I am also an Oxford Brookes Teaching Fellow, one of a team working on a project to enhance the way we help students learn about statistics.

I am the Communications Officer for the West Midlands Branch of the British Psychological Society

Twitter @I_am_emma

Teaching Fellowship project @Psych_Stats

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alcohol research

alcohol research, psychology, teaching, other things

Team John

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100% confident that confidence will see me through.

Explorations of Style

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Through the Academic Looking Glass

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